Choose a character encoding method for your file.You can specify your data file by dragging the CSV to the upload area of the page or by clicking the CSV category you’re using and then navigating to and selecting the file. Specify the file that contains your data.Hover over the question marks for more information about each option. Specify matching and other criteria as necessary.
Specify whether you want to add new records to Salesforce, update existing records, or add and update records simultaneously.To import custom objects, click Custom Objects. To import accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, person accounts, or campaign members, click Standard Objects.Choose the data that you want to import.Review the information provided on the welcome page, then click Launch Wizard!.From Setup, enter Data Import Wizard in the Quick Find box, then select Data Import Wizard.Once you have created an export file and cleaned up the data for import, follow these steps to import data using the Data Import Wizard.